Monday, April 15, 2013

Stem-and-leaf Plot

Stem-and-leaf plots are used to show frequency data. In other words, it represents the distribution of the data. The "stem" is the numbers on the left side of the verticle line and the leafs are on the right. The key at the top lets you know that the stems are actually in tens. This means that the "5" is actually "50". The values in the leaf section only represent one value and they follow the stem number. So for instance, if you look at the "5" stem it means the numbers within "50" are 51, 51, 52, 52, 54, 55, and 57. This is an easy way to represent data in a graphic form that is quick to read and does not sacrifice any of the information.

Box Plot

Box plots are used to represent data at  its five number summaries which consist of sample minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and sample maximum. This box plot diagram shows the annual snow depths at mathsville ski resort. The line all the way to left shows that the sample minimum is approximately 30, the lower quartile approximately 50, the median approximately 75, upper quartile approximately 105, and the sample maximum approximately 125.


Histograms are used to show the distributions of data and their frequencies. Their main focus is to show statistical variances of the different variables. This histogram for instance is showing the immigration amounts from Northern Europe into Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden during the different years. The years being represented can be found in the top right portion of the graph and are color coordinated with the immigration amounts and country of origin. As one can see, Sweden has by far received the highest amounts of immigrants over the decades.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Parallel coordinate graphs are used to view multiple variables at a single time. For these types of graphs, each data set must be placed into the verticle axis's and is then corresponded to each axis through a line that connects them. This type of process is done to show any types of relationships between the different variables. This map is comparing different fish lengths in different areas. As you can see, L1, L2, and L3 show no real difference which means that they are highly correlated. However there are major differences between L21, L32, and L31 and their correlations to each other and different heights and widths.

Triangular Plot

Triangular plots are used to represent three different data sets at the same time. For this map in particular, it is representing three different major political parties, the Liberal Democrat vote, Conservative vote, Labour vote, and their percentage to win over majority of the parliament in the UK. The white circle in the middle is to represent the current estimate from the opinion polls.


Windrose graphs are used to display wind direction and speed for a specific location for a particular time frame. This graph is showing the wind data for Klamath Falls, Oregon from January 1st, 2006 through December 31, 2010. The windrose can tell you which direction winds traveled and the frequency at which they blew. They also can show you the wind speed and how long those winds occured. As you can see most winds flow North, Northwest and had a peak intensity of 18.64%.


Climographs are representations of temperature and precipation observations based upon different times of the year in different areas of the world. They are typically done month by month and used for quick, standardized reports of the climate for specific regions. The red line that is shown near the top of the graph is used to represent the temperature of those months and the green bars are for the precipitation. These maps are great at showing when the hottest and most frequent precipiation amounts are within the year. In addition this map is showing these values for Savannah, Georgia so one can observe that July and August are the hottest months and May receives the heaviest amounts of rainfall and precipitation.